Career planning Process in HRM (stages)

Career Planning is a systematic process in Human Resource Management which concentrates on the career growth of the employees. HRM always insist that when the employees learn more, develop themselves more then the organisation will also benefit a lot.

Career planning process needs more analysis as it involves investment also. The career planning process basically depends on the age of the employees. Hence it is must to understand the stages of Career Planning.

Career Planning Stages:

Establishment Stage (20-26)
Advancement Stage (26-40)
Maintenance Stage (40-55)
With drawl ( 55 & above)

Establishment Stage: (move from non work to work life)

Here the employees will be new to the organisation as well as the corporate culture. First they will try to a make comfortable themselves in the organisation. They will always keep a check whether they have selected a appropriate field to match their skills.


  • insecure of their potential & capabilities
  • Dependence
  • Learn the Job
  • Try to adjust in organisation

Career Plan:

As they are not much clear about their future plans they will think several times before taking a step in career plan. some times they may also do such courses which as not much relevant to their field in other hand miss such opportunity which will be useful to them. So the organisation must take utmost care while planning the career of employees who are in Establishment stage.

Advancement stage: (Non-family life to Family life)

In this stage the employees strive to create a goodwill for themselves in the organisation. They will try every possible way to prove themselves as an asset to the organisation.


  • Want to prove themselves in the organisation
  • More innovative and creative
  • Accept challenges
  • Need to balance work and family life.

Career Plan:

The employee will be ready to learn every thing related to their field. They will try hard to grab the opportunity to make their career in a growth way. Long term Career planing will be most appropriate in this stage.

Maintenance Stage:

This stage is very crucial for each employee. Many ego clashes may occur in this stage. They also want to cope them with new technologies.
Hence short trainings are development activities are the expectation of employees in this stage.


  • Need recognition and respect in the organisation
  • Urge to teach the known techniques to upcoming employees
  • Expecting juniors to approach for guidelines.
  • Not much interested to involve in learning new things.
  • Fear of losing position due to new entrants.

Career Plan:

The employees will feel separated if no career planning is done. At the same time they management will also be not ready to spend much as their duration in the organisation is not much. Short term training which is must for their routine in the organisation is suitable in this stage.

With drawl Stage:

Most of the employees will be physically under stress during this stage. They will not be ready to learn any thing new even the organisation wont to ready for the same. But they will be eager to conduct training if approached.


  • Slowly trying to get relax from work
  • interested in daily routine jobs only
  • No to any new assignments
  • Getting out of the organisation through Retirement, VRS etc..

    Career Plan:

Their is no Career planing required in this stage unless and otherwise some exceptions occurred.