Revised MBA HRM syllabus Madras University

Given is the Revised MBA HRM Syllabus Madras University

Subject Code: MBA 1008
Introduction of Human Resources Management :
Definition, Importance of Human Resources, Objectives of Human Resources Management, Qualities of a good personnel manager . Evolution and growth of Personnel Management in India. Human Resource Policies: Need, type and scope Advantage for a written policy. Human Resources policies and work Culture.

Human Resource Planning:
Human Resources Planning: Long and Short term planning, Job Analysis, Skills inventory, Job Description and Job Specification. Recruitment and selection: Purposes, types and methods of recruitment and selection, Relative merits and demerits of the different methods; Personnel Search, Selection Instruments, Reduction of recruitment costs. Functions of Human Resources Management from procurement to Separation: Placement, Induction, Trans
fers, Promotions, Disciplinary actions, Termination of
Services: Resignation, Dismissal, Retrenchment and Voluntary Retirement Schemes, Exit Interviews, Prevention of employee turnover.

Performance Evaluation:
Ranking, rating scales, critical incident method, Removing subjectivity from evaluation, MBO as a method of appraisal, Job evaluation, Criteria for Promotions and job enrichment.

Rewards Management:
Wage and Salary Administration: Meanings, Calculation of Wage, Salary, Perquisites, Compensation Packages, Cost of Living Index and Calculation of Dearness Allowance, Rewards and Incentives: Financial and non – financial incentives, Productivity, linked Bonus, Compensation Criteria.

HR Audit:
Nature and Scope, Approaches to HR Audit, Management of Differences: Grievance Handling, Discipline and Domestic Inquiry – Handling of Sexual Harassment in the Work Place
Introduction to Industrial Relations – Current Trends and Issues in HRM and Case Studies.

Reference Books
1. Ashwathappa,K.,Human Resource Management, 6th  Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2010.
2. DeCenzo , D.A. and Robbins,S.P., Human Resource Management, 10th Edition,Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2011.
3. Dessler,G., Human Resource Management, 12th Edition, Pearson, 2011.
4.Ivanecevich, J.M., Human Resource Management, 10th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2010.
5. Mamoria, C.B. and Gaonkar,S.V.,Personnel management, Himalaya Publishing House, 2011.
6. Mathis,R.L.,Jackson, J.and Johnson,R.,Human Resource Management, 10th Edition, South Western, 2010.
7. Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition, McGrawHill Education Ltd., 2012.
8. Rao,V.S.P.,Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition, Excel Books, 2010.
9. Vance,C.M. and Paik,Y., Managing a Global Workforce Challenges and Opportunities in International Human Resource Management, PHI Learning,2009.

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